• Appendices
  • Slots Analysis
  • Miscellaneous

According to the American Casino Guide 2015 and looking at articles, the Harrah’s Casino has been out of Business since June 2014. Too bad, it was one of the best places to play blackjack in the Tunica, MS. An MGM Resort located in Tunica, Mississippi, Gold Strike Casino Resort provides guests comfortable accommodation, easy access to its on-site casino, and endless entertainment. As the name suggests, Gold Strike’s premier amenity is its 50,000 square foot casino with slot machines, table games, and a full-service gaming experience.

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A survey of the Tunica, Mississippi, nickel video slots was conducted by Marsha Ness. She used the same methodology as my study, except she correctly weighted each game type by the total number in the casino. The following table also shows her results.

RankCasinoTested /
Pay Range (%)AverageAv plus
Slot Club
Outlier Machines
1Sheraton49 / 38993.48 - 94.9693.97494.474One at 98.01%, one at 87.51%
2Sam's Town20 / 30692.43 - 92.7693.03093.530Three at 98.01%
3Fitzgerald's24 / 45692.43 - 92.7692.58892.788
4Gold Strike15 / 26790.05 - 92.5491.97692.601
5Hollywood26 / 26788.29 - 90.4690.17690.510One at 98.01%, one at 87.51%
6Bally's14 / 30790.01 - 92.7690.847unknown
7Grand19 / 56687.51 - 90.0489.94690.612
8Harrah's20 / 36086.18 - 88.4187.882unknown
9Horseshoe7 / 8985.01 - 86.1885.76986.269

Notes: The pay range represents only test results. The Hollywood average also includes 12 guaranteed 98% machines, which were not tested.

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Internal Links

  • Appendix 1 shows the details and analysis of almost 4000 actual spins on a Reno slot machine.
  • Appendix 2 shows an example of the virtual reels behind a hypothetical slot machine and how the average return is calculated.
  • Appendix 3A: 2003 Las Vegas slot machine rankings.
  • Appendix 3B: 2002 Jean/Primm slot machine rankings.
  • Appendix 3C: 2002 Tunica slot machine rankings.
  • Appendix 3D: 2002 Henderson/Lake Mead slot machine rankings.
  • Appendix 3E: 2002 Quarter and dollar returns for Las Vegas slots
  • Appendix 4 shows how the return is calculated for my Wizard's Fruit Slot Machine.
  • Appendix 5 analysis of the 21 Bell Slot Machine.
  • Appendix 6 Analysis of Red, White, & Blue Slot Machine.
  • Lock and Roll analysis of the skill-based slot machine found in North Carolina.
  • Deconstructing Megabucks.
  • Baltimore Sun article, in which I am quoted.

Best Payout Casino In Tunica Ms Casino

Written by: Michael Shackleford

Best Payout Casino In Tunica Ms Map

Video Poker

Best Payout Casino In Tunica Ms Casinos And Hotels

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Best Payout Casino In Tunica Ms Casinos

The two best ways to win at video poker is know how to play the game you're playing and play the best possible pay schedule. Unlike slot machines you can determine a video poker machines return from just looking at the odds (pay glass). This seems too easy, right? Well, not really. The odds glass just tells you that a machine will return such and such percent to the player with perfect play over the life of the machine, but even with mediocre play you can eek out a win.

There are many programs for sale on the internet that'll teach you how to play perfectly or nearly perfectly, the problem? You have to pay for them and I like free stuff. You can find a greatfree tutorial and practice game atwww.simslots.comjust click on the video poker machine let it load, select your game and turn the trainer on. You can even change the pay tables to suit the game you want to learn by clicking on the pay for a certain item to increase or decrease the pay. If you feel so inclined you can even cash in your credits you earn and enter the monthly drawing on that website to win cash.

The other half of this equation is know what pay schedules to look for on your favorite flavor of game. That's where I come in, listed below are links to the flavors of video poker games and the most popular pay schedules associated with them. Feel free to print these 'cheat sheets' and carry them with you on your next casino trip.

First Casino In Tunica Ms

How do I use this information, you say? Well, you can take these pages to a video poker machine and either look at the pay glass or the video screen pay table. Compare what your machine says to what the pages say for that specific game. To make it even easier you can usually glance at 2 pays on that pay table. Generally the only pays that are changed and have the most effect on the return of the game are the pays for aFull House and the pay for a Flush.When you hit a match you know the return that game is set at, using optimal play strategy.

All pay tables open in a new window and print on an index sized card for easy carrying on the casino floor.