A lifelong poker player who moved online in 2004, Josh founded Beat The Fish in 2005 to help online poker players make more-informed decisions on where to play and how to win once they got there. He hopes to counter the rampant dishonesty in online gaming media with objective reviews and relevant features. Iva Stephanell June 2, 2020 Gambling Comments Off on Online Casino And Gambling Trends 2020 Online gambling is one of the fastest-growing industries today. While the first quarter of the year decimated many other entertainment fields due to COVID 19, online casinos flourished and showed they are incredibly sensible to customers’ needs. Online Poker Trends in the Garden State in 2018. 888poker Gets Ready to Launch. New Jersey WSOP Star Scott Blumstein Mulls Future Prospects.

  1. Online Poker Trends Online
  2. Online Poker Trends 2020

If there’s one positive that’s come out of this global health pandemic, it’s the increase in interest shown for online poker. Google Trends reveals some telling data about the growth of the game over the past few months, and it shows many poker players are now shifting their focus to playing cards on the internet.

The data also indicates that, while online poker’s popularity is higher than before COVID-19, interest has declined a bit since many card rooms around the world began reopening in late May and early June. In Las Vegas, for example, where poker is more prevalent than anywhere in the world, 14 of the 31 poker rooms have reopened since June 4.

With the partial return of live poker, the need for online poker has slightly declined. But there are still millions of people around the world, especially in the US, who prefer live poker but still aren’t comfortable going to a casino. And that won’t change any time soon. Thus, why internet gambling is more popular now than five months ago.

Online casinos use the benefits of technology to provide their customers with a unique, more authentic, and entertaining experience. If you’re curious to know more about online casino trends that will definitely play a significant role in 2020, you have come to the right place. Here are some of the key trends to watch in the next months: 1. Unlike many other industries, online poker tends to be based on the adoption of demonstrated successes inspired by small iterative changes as opposed to being inspired by diverse initiatives that are often executed by nimble actors. In many cases, these small iterative changes yield distinct trends that can span years in the industry.

What is Google Trends?

Google Trends is a guide website owners use to find out what is trending. They use this information to determine what type of online businesses are profitable and see what people are searching for on Google, the world’s largest internet search engine.

Google Trends doesn’t reveal total number of searches for a keyword or key-phrase. Instead, it shows a graph of how popular a certain key-phrase is in relation to when the search term was at its most popular point. The scale runs from 0-100, with 100 being the peak of popularity and 0 being so low that there isn’t enough data available. If the scale is at 50, that means the search term is 50% as popular as it was during the peak.

What does Google Trends tell us about online poker’s current popularity?

Google Trends tracks data back to January 2004, which is right about when online poker started becoming popular, just after Chris Moneymaker won the most important Main Event in WSOP history. In March 2005, Google Trends indicates the search term “online poker” hit its peak and hasn’t since been topped.

From March 2005 until January 2010, interest in online poker remained high and then began a slow decline. In April 2011, when the Black Friday scandal hit, the popularity for the game, as the graph indicates, took a nosedive before flattening out in April 2016.

And then, due to COVID-19, the graph spiked back up in March 2020 and then again even further in May 2020, where it reached a score of 47, or 47% of its March 2005 peak.

How does the May 2020 rise compare to interest in online poker since Black Friday? From October 2013 until March 2020, interest was at 20% of its peak or lower every month. So, that means Google saw more than a 200% spike in searches for “online poker” in May 2020.

Poker isn’t quite back to its pre-Black Friday popularity. But, as Google Trends proves, the game is back on the rise and the interest in online poker is far greater than it was before COVID-19 struck.

Update on
Technology has been a major factor in the growth of various industries and the online poker industry has definitely not been left behind. Technological advancements and trends in many fields, therefore, develop very quickly, perhaps too quickly, and are short-lived. Online poker is seemingly one of the most affected areas particularly but this is not […]

Technology has been a majorfactor in the growth of various industries and the online poker industry hasdefinitely not been left behind. Technological advancements and trends in many fields,therefore, develop very quickly, perhaps too quickly, and are short-lived. Online poker is seemingly one of the mostaffected areas particularly but this is not the case because the tendencies of someof the biggest online poker operators in the world tend to exhibit a measuredand calculated approach.

Unlike many other industries, online poker tends to be based on the adoption of demonstrated successes inspired by small iterative changes as opposed to being inspired by diverse initiatives that are often executed by nimble actors. In many cases, these small iterative changes yield distinct trends that can span years in the industry.

The state of the online poker industry in 2019 is thereforemostly a culmination of changes that were made last year and the replication ofdemonstrable success. In 2018, the industryexhibited a number of characteristics most of which have since been adopted bymore operators simply because they were successful enough. The future isusually not cast in stone but if the past has taught us something, it is thatsomethings always play out the way they are supposed to. For the online pokerindustry here are some of the traits that will define it this year, and maybebeyond:

Tournament Series


Just like last year, there is bound to be more investment into flagship tournament series which are key growth drivers and marketing tools for the growing player base. Already, the first three months of 2019 have seen multiple high-profile and record-breaking festivals and subsequent successes. There is so much to be gained from this – the online poker operators are reaping big from them while at the same time breaking into new markets. The players, on the other hand, get to have the times of their lives at action-packed tournament poker tables and if they are lucky enough, they get to walk away with cash prizes.

No More Promotions

2019 might not be the year that online poker promotions finally go extinct but it is safe to say that the stagnation that was witnessed in 2018 is about to become even more evident. The very small number of promotions that were available last year were usually very small additional bonuses used to supplement MTT series or targeted specific markets. However, the online poker operators have realized that it is not effective a market strategy as it was a few years back. These days, the best customer acquisition methods seem to be live tours, tournaments, ambassadors, rewards programs and streamers – more investment is therefore headed to these sectors.

There are of course many other trends that are going to shape the online poker industry in 2019 but it is safe to say that the ones mentioned above are definitely going to be at the very top.
